Our Path, His Plan

For years, we searched for something more—chasing success, security, and everything the world told us would bring fulfillment. But no achievement, no amount of money, and no temporary happiness ever filled the void for us. Something was missing.

When we found God, everything changed.

Surrendering to Him was the turning point that redefined our lives, our purpose and our family. We made a commitment—not just to each other, but to God—to build a home where faith wasn’t just something we talked about, but something we lived. Where our children would grow up knowing the love of Christ, unshaken by the noise of the world.

That’s how Eternal Crown & Cross came to life.

The crown represents the victory and identity we have in Christ as His children. The cross is our reminder of the price that was paid and the calling we have to follow Jesus, no matter the cost.

We realized Christian apparel often felt outdated or uninspired. Faith isn’t meant to be hidden. It isn’t meant to blend in. It’s meant to be worn unapologetically.

We wanted to create something different—something modern, high-quality, and deeply meaningful. Apparel that sparks conversations, strengthens convictions, and reminds believers who they are and what they stand for.

Eternal Crown & Cross is more than just a brand. It’s a movement.

When you wear it, it’s a reminder of who you are in Christ and the strength you carry as a believer. Whether you’re at church, at work, or walking through daily life, Eternal Crown & Cross is for those who want to make their faith known in a way that feels authentic to them. You’re carrying a message that can’t be ignored.

We believe faith isn’t meant to be hidden. It’s meant to be worn, lived, and proclaimed. The world is loud. It’s time believers get louder.

As this brand grows, our vision is to build a community of believers who support and uplift one another and to give back in even bigger ways—supporting Christian charities, funding outreach programs, and helping others find their purpose in faith.

This is just the beginning. If you’re here, it means you share this vision.

This is our story. This our mission.

“Wear Thy Crown. Bear My Cross”

-Shawn & Samantha Dillon -Founders, Eternal Crown & Cross